Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th . . . Good Luck for Writers!

I read this note from the editor of today and wanted to pass it along to all of you. As writers (and in life), we make our own good luck. Remember that . . . and after you're done working, play the lottery tonight!

Write on, Gina

Over the years, I've met many writers who think their struggles as a writer are merely luck—bad luck. It doesn't matter how many stories exist to the contrary, these writers are convinced that finding success is like winning the lottery. And maybe there's something to that.

I suppose if I was a writer who thought getting published was all about luck that I wouldn't invest too much energy on revision. After all, a lucky writer will find the right editor to fix up any manuscript flaws, right? I guess I wouldn't waste time building a platform or developing an audience either, because that surely comes to writers who are already lucky and/or published, which is the same as lucky.

There are examples of writers getting lucky, but let's face it: Most success stories come from writers making their own luck through working at their craft, networking (online and off), and persevering. Don't let yourself get caught in the trap of thinking you're not lucky enough to make it as a writer; you can make yourself lucky starting now.

Until next we meet, keep writing and marketing what you write.

Robert Lee Brewer
Senior Content Editor
Writer's Market

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