Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Apparently, Nature is the Mother of All Inspiration

The results of this blog's creativity poll are in!
After a tally of the numbers, it appears that the
majority of you (more than 80%) find your best
creative inspiration in nature, such as walking in
the woods, on the beach or through a clover meadow.

To a lesser extent, some of you glean inspiration from
reading elegant prose from literary writers. And even fewer
poll takers reported being inspired by swilling a cosmo
(not too surprising) of falling in LUV (which I DO find
surprising). Hmmm.....what does that say about the state
of the "union"?

Mother Nature, you win!


Scott Pitz (spitz@pts.edu) said...

Gina, I would agree with you that nature is an incredible source of inspiration whether it be a magnificent sunset, sunlight streaming through the woods by a waterfall or the stars in the sky, more numerous than the grain of sands in all the oceans. God reveals himself in nature while remaining hidden, the YAHWEH of the burning bush. BUT, I seem to get inspiration as well from the face of a child, the kiss of light on a loved one's face, the movement of the Spirit while reading Scripture or the profound peace that comes through meditation and the grace of God. Oh, life is good and God is great. Shalom, Scott

Hi, this is Gina. said...

Hi Scott, thanks for this very beautiful post. I couldn't agree more!